Saturday, September 15, 2007

And cue Yora!

Hey everyone! Yora here! So, when Kalira sugjested this blog to share all he un hypno stuff we've been doing, i thought it was a GREAT idea! Her, Tindo, and myself have been having a LOT of hypno fun and i can't wait to share it all with you! So If your not familiar with my other blog, my name is Yora, aka Yora vig in the wonderful world of SL. I'm the other one wth the trigger (see Tindo's post, LOL). Kali is a great hypnotist. and no she didn't make me say that, hehehe. Tin likes to play with mine ALOT doing some pretty wacky things to me.

My triggers I have so far are a freeze trigger. This one makes me lockup in RL unable to move at all. I have a pause trugger. this one makes me lose time while paused. I also have a general triger that Tin and Kali can use to make me do whatever they want! So far I've mooed like a cow, forgotten my name, thought I was someone else, and all sorts of fun things!

So, now that the intros are out of the way, if anyone has any questions for us ask away! We really want to hear from you!

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